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A member registered Apr 05, 2023

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or really just anyone but asumi and white haired dude's sister

can you avoid sleeping with asumi without making her dislike you? I'd rather MC sleeps with noriko first ngl

in my most recent save, I have to wait for hanna to find an antidote for juno, and when i go to sleep, it says halloween quest available. when i accept it, nothing happens and the notice disappears

good game + i love the artstyle though i wish you could yaknow her but if no update, no update

if you start the game in the new update you can't do anything it only displays a message from the dev saying how they think it's not good for the player and that they are going to stop updating the game

not going to unfollow in case dev decides to update the game again but it's kind of sad

there aren't sound effects during the prologue scenes, but once you get to the winter event there are

will saves from older versions work with the update that's coming?

thanks, I'll try that when the game update

game is good but i'd rather continue using my save from the previous version instead of a completed file when the next update comes

ok but white started at the top of the board so the white pawn doesn't check the king  because like iduno999 said the white pawn is advancing downwards

(1 edit)

there's a gallery in the save menu to rewatch them and when you progress with the characters you can visit the "candy" shop and the musical (even if the musical is just a scene)

tried the game out and I like the concept so far
also some femdom would be cool